Apple leaf / Appelblaar
Apple leaf / AppelblaarThe Apple leaf is a medium- to large-sized tree with a wide-spreading, dense and rounded crown. The main stem is tall, straight and bare, occasionally bent and twisted.
Botanical Name:
Philenoptera violacea
Did you know?
The wood of this attractive tree makes a stunning ornamental display.
Coral tree / Koraal
Coral tree / KoraalA medium-sized tree with beautiful deep orange to scarlet colour flowers and a spreading, rounded crown. It is not just a decorative tree, it also provides food for a whole host of animals. The tree flowers in winter when animals need food the most.
Botanical Name:
Erythrina lysistemon
Did you know?
Also known by many as the “Lucky bean” tree due to its beautiful red seeds.
False olive / Vals olyf
False olive / Vals olyfIf you want to attract butterflies, moths and birds to your garden the false olive is the way to go – not only does it provide food for wildlife it is also a sweetly scented and beautiful tree.
Botanical Name:
Buddleija saligna
Did you know?
False olive makes good fuel wood as it burns with an intense heat.
Lavender tree / Laventel boom
Lavender tree / Laventel boomHeteropyxis natalensis is an ideal tree for home gardens – a good focal point. It doesn’t get too big and the root system is non-invasive. The tree is usually multistemmed, the crown is rounded and foliage drooping.
Botanical Name:
Heteropyxis natalensis
Did you know?
A favourite of the black rhino and the leaves are used in potpourrie because of their signature scent.
Sausage tree / Worsboom
Sausage tree / WorsboomKigelia africana is also one of those significant trees in South Africa. Known for its large elongated fruit and showy flowers. Many animals feed on the flowers, fruit and leaves. The trunk is short, straight and relatively thick with a spreading and dome-shaped crown.
Botanical Name:
Kigelia africana
Did you know?
It is one of the first trees to flower in the Kruger Park in early spring.
Snuffbox tree / Snuifkalbassie
Snuffbox tree / SnuifkalbassieThis spiny shrub or small tree with pretty white flowers is known for the snuff boxes that can be made from its hard-shelled fruit. An ideal barrier plant.
Botanical Name:
Oncoba spinosa
Did you know?
Flowers somewhat resemble a fried egg and in Zimbabwe it is called the fried-egg flower.
Tree wisteria /Vanwykshout
Tree wisteria /VanwykshoutOne of the most spectacular flowering trees – the tree wisteria is known for its clusters of bright purple flowers. It has an upright crown and drooping foliage. A very colourful ornamental and shade tree.
Botanical Name:
Bolusanthus speciosus
Did you know?
The wood is heavy, durable and suitable for fence posts, and furniture.
Weepingwattle / Huilboom
Weepingwattle / HuilboomThe weepingwattle has acacia-like foliage and showy yellow flowers. It’s an excellent tree for bee-keepers. It has a spreading untidy canopy and makes a good shade tree for both livestock and humans.
Botanical Name:
Peltohorum africanum
Did you know?
Young leaves and pods are eaten by livestock and the flowers provide a high yield of nectar and pollen for bee-keeping.
Wild mango / Wilde mango
Wild mango / Wilde mangoThis is a tall tree with a flat-topped, widespreading crown. The yellowish-orange flowers resemble an old fashioned powder puff. Elephants love the fruit!
Botanical Name:
Cordylia africana
Did you know?
Did you know that Africa has its own mango? Although the fruit is not as big and tasty as the exotic one and it belongs to a different family, it is extremely rich in vitamin C.
Wild pear / Drolpeer
Wild pear / DrolpeerThe wild pear is a lovely garden specimen, and the spectacular show of scented flowers is a herald of spring. It has a single stem and a somewhat rounded crown. It is both frost and drought resistant.
Botanical Name:
Dombeya rotundifolia
Did you know?
Strong rope can be made from the fibrous inner bark.