False olive / Vals olyf
False olive / Vals olyf
If you want to attract butterflies, moths and birds to your garden the false olive is the way to go – not only does it provide food for wildlife it is also a sweetly scented and beautiful tree.
Botanical Name:
Buddleija saligna
Did you know?
False olive makes good fuel wood as it burns with an intense heat.
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Knobbly fig / Knoppiesvy
Knobbly fig / KnoppiesvyJust like many of the fig species, the knobbly fig feeds a variety of animals and has a beautiful growth form. It may grow as an ordinary, stand-alone tree or in a cluster.
Botanical Name:
Ficus sansibarika
Did you know?
The leaves are browsed by elephants, giraffe, kudu and nyala.
Weepingwattle / Huilboom
Weepingwattle / HuilboomThe weepingwattle has acacia-like foliage and showy yellow flowers. It’s an excellent tree for bee-keepers. It has a spreading untidy canopy and makes a good shade tree for both livestock and humans.
Botanical Name:
Peltohorum africanum
Did you know?
Young leaves and pods are eaten by livestock and the flowers provide a high yield of nectar and pollen for bee-keeping.
White stinkwood / Wit stinkhout
White stinkwood / Wit stinkhoutAn ideal garden tree – the white stinkwood usually has a single trunk and broadly upright to rounded crown. When planted on the northern or western side of the house, the shade provided cools the house in summer yet allows the sun through to heat up the house in winter.
Botanical Name:
Celtis africana
Did you know?
When freshy cut, the wood has an unpleasant smell, hence the common names “stinkwood”.
Karee / Karee
Karee / KareeThe karee is a small- to medium-sized tree with a willow-like appearance due to its drooping habit. It’s not just an excellet shade tree, but also a great street tree. It can also be planted in parks or office complexes.
Botanical Name:
Searsia lancea
Did you know?
Searsia lancea is useful in providing natural soil stabilisation and increasing infiltration of rainwater into the soil, thus reducing erosion and raising the ground watertable.