Weepingwattle / Huilboom
Weepingwattle / Huilboom
The weepingwattle has acacia-like foliage and showy yellow flowers. It’s an excellent tree for bee-keepers. It has a spreading untidy canopy and makes a good shade tree for both livestock and humans.
Botanical Name:
Peltohorum africanum
Did you know?
Young leaves and pods are eaten by livestock and the flowers provide a high yield of nectar and pollen for bee-keeping.
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Botanical Name:
Combretum erythrophyllum
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Botanical Name:
Searsia lancea
Did you know?
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Knob thorn / Knoppiesdoring
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Botanical Name:
Senegalia nigrescens
Did you know?
The knob thorn is termite-resistant and the flowers are a dietary component for giraffes.
Anna tree / Anna boom
Anna tree / Anna boomA fast-growing tree with a greenish grey to whitish bark. The foliage is also green to grey in colour. Interestingly enough, the Anna tree loses its thorns when it matures into an adult tree – making it a good garden tree!
Botanical Name:
Faidherbia albeda
Did you know?
The pods are an important source of food to livestock and game in the ry season.