Anna tree / Anna boom
Anna tree / Anna boomA fast-growing tree with a greenish grey to whitish bark. The foliage is also green to grey in colour. Interestingly enough, the Anna tree loses its thorns when it matures into an adult tree – making it a good garden tree!
Botanical Name:
Faidherbia albeda
Did you know?
The pods are an important source of food to livestock and game in the ry season.
Apple leaf / Appelblaar
Apple leaf / AppelblaarThe Apple leaf is a medium- to large-sized tree with a wide-spreading, dense and rounded crown. The main stem is tall, straight and bare, occasionally bent and twisted.
Botanical Name:
Philenoptera violacea
Did you know?
The wood of this attractive tree makes a stunning ornamental display.
Baobab / Kremetart
Baobab / KremetartThis large tree is probably one of Africa’s most symbolic trees. The baobab is well known throughout the world for its unique form and often gigantic proportions.
Botanical Name:
Adansonia digitata
Did you know?
The baobab is regarded as the largest succulent plant in the world.
Black monkey thorn / Swartapies doring
Black monkey thorn / Swartapies doringBlack monkey thorn / Swartapies doring
Black monkey thorn / Swartapies doringA wonderful feature tree for the larger garden. It forms a dense shade, making it a useful addition to a car park.
Botanical Name:
Senegalia burkei
Did you know?
The leaves are eaten by black rhino, giraffe, kudu, nyala and impala.
Broomcluster fig / Besemtrosvy
Broomcluster fig / BesemtrosvyThis tree boasts a massive spreading crown. The figs are born in large clusters on the stem of the tree and very often low down close to the ground. Like most figs, it can be found along rivers and other water sources. It provides food for a lot of animals.
Botanical Name:
Ficus sur
Did you know?
Fig jam can be made from the fruits!
Brown ivory / Bruin ivoor
Brown ivory / Bruin ivoorAn attractive fast growing tree with a short trunk and rounded crown. The bark is grey-brown and the leaves are shiny dark green above and pale green below. Perfect for the garden to create shade and to attract birds.
Botanical Name:
Berchemia discolor
Did you know?
The fruits of brown-ivory are rich in Vitamin C!
Brown stinkwood / Bruin stinkhout (Mitserie)
Brown stinkwood / Bruin stinkhout (Mitserie)Brown stinkwood / Bruin stinkhout (Mitserie)
Brown stinkwood / Bruin stinkhout (Mitserie)A perfect garden tree for those who want thick shade in the summer. The trunk is usually single with a rounded or dome-shaped crown and scattered bright red leaves. Mitzeeri’s are also a good tree if one wants to attract birds. In autumn to winter months the leaves turn a brilliant red or orange, making it an attractive tree all year round.
Botanical Name:
Bridelia micrantha
Did you know?
The roots are used to treat stomach complaints and leaf sap is used for sore eyes.
Buffalo thorn / Blikblaar wag-n-bietjie
Buffalo thorn / Blikblaar wag-n-bietjieBuffalo thorn / Blikblaar wag-n-bietjie
Buffalo thorn / Blikblaar wag-n-bietjieit makes a pleasant shade tree and gives life to the garden by luring birds and insects such as butterflies, beetles and bees. In Botswana as well as most parts of South Africa, the residents believed the buffalo thorn to be immune against lightning, anyone standing under one in a storm would be safe. It is also believed that if it is felled in summer, a drought, hail or lightning will certainly follow.
Botanical Name:
Ziziphus mucronata
Did you know?
Ziziphus mucronata, or as it is more frequently known, the wag-‘n-bietjie tree is said to represent life as we know it. The young twigs are zigzag, indicating that life is not always straightforward. Two thorns at the nodes are also significant; one facing backward represents where we come from and one facing forward, represents where we are going.
Bushveld gardenia / Bosveld katjiepiering
Bushveld gardenia / Bosveld katjiepieringBushveld gardenia / Bosveld katjiepiering
Bushveld gardenia / Bosveld katjiepieringA small, bushy tree – good to use for screening. The flowers are showy, solitary, large, white in colour and sweetly scented.
Botanical Name:
Gardenia volkensii
Did you know?
The gardenia volkensii is used medicinally as a cure for intestinal worms as well as infusions of the fruit and roots are used to induce vomiting.
Cape ash / Kaapse essenhout
Cape ash / Kaapse essenhoutThis is a medium to large attractive tree that has been used as a street tree in many towns and cities of South Africa. It is also ideal for spaces where you need to create a canopy in a relatively short space of time. Its crown is rounded and autumn foliage yellow or reddish.
Botanical Name:
Ekebergia capensis
Did you know?
The fruit is enjoyed by an array of game, from all kinds of bird species to bushbuck and baboons.
Cheesewood / Kasuur
Cheesewood / KasuurA small to medium-sized, well-shaped tree with glossy leaves that have a resinous smell when crushed. A beautiful garden tree, which can be grown in sun or semi-shade, and can be used in forest and bush clumps as well as being used as a hedge plant. It’s a wonderful shade tree, and with its non-aggressive root system it’s ideal for small gardens and containers.
Botanical Name:
Pittosporum viridiflorum
Did you know?
Many birds, including the Red-eyed Dove and several starlings eat the seeds. Goats and game (Kudu, Nyala, and Bushbuck) browse the leaves.
Coral tree / Koraal
Coral tree / KoraalA medium-sized tree with beautiful deep orange to scarlet colour flowers and a spreading, rounded crown. It is not just a decorative tree, it also provides food for a whole host of animals. The tree flowers in winter when animals need food the most.
Botanical Name:
Erythrina lysistemon
Did you know?
Also known by many as the “Lucky bean” tree due to its beautiful red seeds.
False buffalo thorn / Vals buffeldoring
False buffalo thorn / Vals buffeldoringFalse buffalo thorn / Vals buffeldoring
False buffalo thorn / Vals buffeldoringA thornless, upright tree with dark green leaves. Flocks of birds are attracted by the yellow berries, which ripen at the end of summer. The tree can also be used as a windbreaker.
Botanical Name:
Ziziphus rivularis
Did you know?
Ziziphus mucronata, or as it is more frequently known, the wag-‘n-bietjie tree is said to represent life as we know it. The young twigs are zigzag, indicating that life is not always straightforward. Two thorns at the nodes are also significant; one facing backward represents where we come from and one facing forward, represents where we are going.
False marula / Vals maroela
False marula / Vals maroelaThis small to medium-sized tree with its small, creamy white to yellow flowers and aromatic leaves, will not only attract birds to your garden, but can be very successfully grown as a bonsai specimen. The trunk is straigh tand erect with a rounded or dome-shaped crown. The leaves are pale green with the tips abruptly but broadly tapering.
Botanical Name:
Lannea sweinfurthii
Did you know?
The false marula tree is economically important in South Africa. It is very successfully used to feed cattle and game. The cattle eat the fresh or dry leaves and this reduces the expenses on fodder by farmers who are growing these trees.
False olive / Vals olyf
False olive / Vals olyfIf you want to attract butterflies, moths and birds to your garden the false olive is the way to go – not only does it provide food for wildlife it is also a sweetly scented and beautiful tree.
Botanical Name:
Buddleija saligna
Did you know?
False olive makes good fuel wood as it burns with an intense heat.
Fevertree / Koorsboom
Fevertree / KoorsboomThe characteristic, almost luminous, lime green to greenish-yellowbark is smooth, slightly flaking, and coated in a yellow powdery substance described by some as sulphurous. The fever tree is an exceptionally attractive tree and is often used to decorate gardens and urban landscapes.
Botanical Name:
Vachellia xanthophloea
Flatcrown / Platkroon
Flatcrown / PlatkroonA magnificent tree with an unmistakeable spreading flat crown. The leaves are dark green above, yellowish or rusty velvety below. It’s ideal for providing shade. The flowers are a strikingly white or greenish white during spring.
Botanical Name:
Albizia adianthifolia
Did you know?
In rural areas, seeds are considered edible and are used for making a sauce.
Forest bushwillow / Bosvaderlandswilg
Forest bushwillow / BosvaderlandswilgForest bushwillow / Bosvaderlandswilg
Forest bushwillow / BosvaderlandswilgA handsome, quick growing and reasonably cold resistant tree that is recommended for shady areas in gardens with a mild to warm climate. The crown is rounded with dark green foliage, with reddish autumn colours and sometimes whitish spring flowers.
Botanical Name:
Combretum krausii
Did you know?
Combretums are pollinated by various kinds of insects, including bees. They have adapted to wind dispersal by developing a wing-like fruit structure that can carry the seed with the help of air currents or wind. Some animals are known to eat Combretum fruit and also help with the seed dispersal.
Forest elder / Bosvlier
Forest elder / BosvlierA small tree ideal as a focal point in the garden or it makes a attractive street tree. A lovely dense and rounded crown is often evident, contributing greatly to the visual appeal of the species.
Botanical Name:
Nuxia floribunda
Did you know?
The flowers attract a host of insects. The abundant supply of nectar makes it a good honey tree.
Forest natal mahogany / Bosrooiesenhout
Forest natal mahogany / BosrooiesenhoutForest natal mahogany / Bosrooiesenhout
Forest natal mahogany / BosrooiesenhoutTrichilia dregeana is a lovely large tree that inhabits evergreen forests in high rainfall areas. It is a highly ornamental species with considerable cultural and ecological value to match.
Botanical Name:
Trichelia dregeana
Did you know?
The tree provides suitable nesting sites for a number of bird species.
Henkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-Geelhout
Henkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-GeelhoutHenkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-Geelhout
Henkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-GeelhoutPodocarpus henkelii is a very neat decorative tree suitable for both home gardens and large landscapes. It makes and excellent specimen tree for lawns and is a good choice for an avenue. Podocarpus henkelii is also suited for formal gardens, as it can be pruned to the desired shape. It can also be left to achieve an informal finish.
Botanical Name:
Podocarpus henkelii
Did you know?
As a nesting site, the trees, especially older, large specimens, are favoured by many birds.
Hook-thorn / Haakdoring
Hook-thorn / HaakdoringThis beautiful tree is the most common naturally occurring senegalia in the Witwatersrand National Botanical Garden. It has an irregular, spreading crown. One of the most attractive features of the tree is the foliage which is bright green and feathery looking. The leaves are drooping which gives the canopy a lovely soft look.
Botanical Name:
Senegalia caffra
Did you know?
The common hook-thorn is used traditionally for many purposes such as fencing posts, tanning and the beautiful rootwood is highly valued by Xhosa women for tobacco pipes.
Jackalberry / Jakkalsbessie
Jackalberry / JakkalsbessieA medium-sized tall, upright tree with a dense canopy. The bark is black to grey with a rough texture. They often grow on termite mounds.
Botanical Name:
Diospyros mespiliformis
Did you know?
The jackalberry has a fantastic mutualism and symbiotic network with many living organisms, from human beings to small insects. There is a complex ecological system revolving around this tree. It is one of the savanna giants that can live for more than 200 years.
Karee / Karee
Karee / KareeThe karee is a small- to medium-sized tree with a willow-like appearance due to its drooping habit. It’s not just an excellet shade tree, but also a great street tree. It can also be planted in parks or office complexes.
Botanical Name:
Searsia lancea
Did you know?
Searsia lancea is useful in providing natural soil stabilisation and increasing infiltration of rainwater into the soil, thus reducing erosion and raising the ground watertable.
Knob thorn / Knoppiesdoring
Knob thorn / KnoppiesdoringThe knob thorn is an attractive garden tree which grows into a lovely shade tree. It has a long cylindrical shape and rounded crown. It has knobs on the trunks and on branches with persistent thorns arising on the knobs.
Botanical Name:
Senegalia nigrescens
Did you know?
The knob thorn is termite-resistant and the flowers are a dietary component for giraffes.
Knobbly fig / Knoppiesvy
Knobbly fig / KnoppiesvyJust like many of the fig species, the knobbly fig feeds a variety of animals and has a beautiful growth form. It may grow as an ordinary, stand-alone tree or in a cluster.
Botanical Name:
Ficus sansibarika
Did you know?
The leaves are browsed by elephants, giraffe, kudu and nyala.
Lavender tree / Laventel boom
Lavender tree / Laventel boomHeteropyxis natalensis is an ideal tree for home gardens – a good focal point. It doesn’t get too big and the root system is non-invasive. The tree is usually multistemmed, the crown is rounded and foliage drooping.
Botanical Name:
Heteropyxis natalensis
Did you know?
A favourite of the black rhino and the leaves are used in potpourrie because of their signature scent.
Marula / Maroela
Marula / MaroelaThe edible fruits and the multiple uses associated with almost all parts of the marula, make it one of southern Africa’s most valued trees.
Botanical Name:
Sclerocaraya birrea
Did you know?
The Marula is a firm favourite for elephants, who delight in the fruit and the nutritious bark. Luckliy an elephant would have to eat hundreds and hundreds of fermented marula fruits in order to ingest the same equivalent of alcohol as a few beers for a grown man.
Matumi / Mingerhout
Matumi / MingerhoutA full grown matumi is something to behold! The trunk is tall and straight and the crown rather narrow. If in optimal conditions such as a warm climate and plenty of water a matumi will grow fairly quickly.
Botanical Name:
Breonadia salicina
Did you know?
Matumi’s twigs are used as toothbrushes in West Africa.
Monkey thorn / Apiesdoring
Monkey thorn / ApiesdoringThis is a large tree with luxuriant, light green foliage. Its fast growth rate and attractive shape makes it ideal for a big garden, avenue or car park.
Botanical Name:
Senegalia galpinii
Did you know?
Many birds often prefer nesting in this tree as it provides protection.
Natal guarii / Natal gwarrie
Natal guarii / Natal gwarrieWith its rounded crown and dark green foliage, the natalgwarrie is suited to an array of differnent types of gardens. The bushy, shrubby and small habitat tree is excellent for screening.
Botanical Name:
Euclea natalensis
Did you know?
It bears fruit which is edible and eaten by birds, monkeys and humans too! The twigs can be used as a toothbrush if needed.
Natal mahogany / Natal mahonie
Natal mahogany / Natal mahonieThe Natal mahogany is an evergreen tree with handsome dark green glossy leaves and a wide-spreading crown. Its sweet-scented flowers will attract bees and birds to your garden.
Botanical Name:
Trichelia emetica
Did you know?
The powdered bark of Trichilia emetica is a popular remedy for stomach and intestinal ailments. The bark is also used to produce a pinkish dye
Nyala tree / Nyala boom
Nyala tree / Nyala boomXanthocercis zambesiaca has a heavy, rounded crown and somewhat drooping branchlets.
Botanical Name:
Xanthocercis zambesiaca
Outeniqua yellowwood / Geelhout
Outeniqua yellowwood / GeelhoutThis fast-growing, majestic yellowwood with its elegant shape is certainly a tree for all seasons and all gardens. It is an excellent container plant and can also be decorated and used as an indoor Christmas tree.
Botanical Name:
Podocarpus falcatus
Did you know?
Podocarpus falcatus could make an ideal indigenous substitute for the exotic pine trees currently being used in plantations. Trials done at a forest station at Magoebaskloof showed that the yield is similar, with the growth rate and quality of the wood comparing favourably to that of commercial pine.
Paperbark / Papierbas
Paperbark / PapierbasPure stands of these beautifully shaped trees with their perfectly flattened crowns are quite stunning. Where else but in Africa would you encounter such a sight?
Botanical Name:
Vachellia sieberiana woodii
Did you know?
It is a favoured nesting tree for Barbets. The Green Wood Hoopoe love probing under the yellow, papery, flaking bark for insects.
Pod-mahogany / Peulmahonie
Pod-mahogany / PeulmahonieA very attractive medium-sized tree with a short trunk and widespreading crown. The glossy dark green leaves turn ino an attractive yellowish colour in the Autumn months.
Botanical Name:
Afzelia quanzensis
Did you know?
The light red-brown wood of the pod mahogany is hard and has a good grain. It has been used for building, making plywood, furniture, panelling and for flooring. Traditionally the wood is used for making dugout canoes and grain stamping mortars.
Red ivory / Rooi ivoor
Red ivory / Rooi ivoorThis medium-sized and neatly shaped tree normally grows in groups with other trees and is very attractive to birds. The leaves are glossy dark green above and pale green below. It’s generally a smaller tree than the berchemia discolor with smaller leaves and reddish fruit.
Botanical Name:
Berchemia zeyheri
Did you know?
The delicious fruits are eaten fresh. They may be stored in containers and the sticky sweet mass may still be edible after several months.
Red milkwood / Moepel
Red milkwood / MoepelA medium sized decorative tree that has a spreading, densely rounded crown. It has the potential to make an excellent evergreen garden specimen for larger gardens, parks and golf courses. This tree casts a deep shade, which offers a cool escape from the hot African sun.
Botanical Name:
Mimusops zeyheri
Did you know?
The Transvaal red milkwood has gained its popularity with people, birds as well as monkeys and baboons through its tasty fruit which are sweet and high in vitamin C.
River bushwillow / Vaderlandswilg
River bushwillow / VaderlandswilgThe river bushwillow is often multi-stemmed and somewhat willow-like in habit. It boasts a beautiful form which is just as magical in autumn. Nowadays it is often grown as a street tree and also in gardens for ornament and shade.
Botanical Name:
Combretum erythrophyllum
Did you know?
Roots are used to treat venereal diseases and also as purgatives. Dried, powdered gum may be applied to sores.
Sausage tree / Worsboom
Sausage tree / WorsboomKigelia africana is also one of those significant trees in South Africa. Known for its large elongated fruit and showy flowers. Many animals feed on the flowers, fruit and leaves. The trunk is short, straight and relatively thick with a spreading and dome-shaped crown.
Botanical Name:
Kigelia africana
Did you know?
It is one of the first trees to flower in the Kruger Park in early spring.
Silky thorn / Sydoring
Silky thorn / SydoringSuitable for medium-sized gardens – the silky thorn with red bark on the young stems glows in the sunlight while the mature bark has dark brown rough strips with a red background. This beautiful Acacia attracts birds, insects and butterflies besides making a wonderful garden plant.
Botanical Name:
Vachellia rehmanniana
Silver clusterleaf / Vaalboom
Silver clusterleaf / VaalboomThe silver clusterleaf has a spreading crown with horizontal branches. The bark is grey and deeply fissured. The grey-green leaves are clustered at branch ends and are covered in shiny, silvery hairs, making the whole tree look silvery from a distance.
Botanical Name:
Terminalia sericea
Did you know?
Terminalia sericea is important in traditional medicine. The leaves and roots are boiled in water and the infusion is taken orally for the treatment of coughs, diarrhoea and stomach ache. The leaves can be used as an antibiotic for wounds. In the case of bleeding, a paste can be made by cooking the leaves in water and placing them on the wounds.
Snuffbox tree / Snuifkalbassie
Snuffbox tree / SnuifkalbassieThis spiny shrub or small tree with pretty white flowers is known for the snuff boxes that can be made from its hard-shelled fruit. An ideal barrier plant.
Botanical Name:
Oncoba spinosa
Did you know?
Flowers somewhat resemble a fried egg and in Zimbabwe it is called the fried-egg flower.
Sweet thorn / Soetdoring
Sweet thorn / SoetdoringThe sweet thorn makes a beautiful garden specimen. The bright yellow flowers look very striking against the dark green foliage. The rough, dark brown bark is also most attractive. The flowers are sweetly scented and are renowned for attracting insects which are essential to any bird garden.
Botanical Name:
Vachellia karoo
Did you know?
This is one of South Africa’s most beautiful and useful trees. It is integrally part of our country’s history having been used for everything from raft-making to sewing needles and fencing for the houses of the royal Zulu women. The thorns were even used by early naturalists to pin the insects they collected! It is very widespread throughout southern Africa and there are different forms in some places, which can be confusing.
Toad tree / Padda boom
Toad tree / Padda boomA beautiful bushveld tree that can be recognised by its large, glossy leaves, fragrant white flowers and large fruit borne in pairs. With its unusual fruits it is excellent for gardeners wanting to bring nature back into their garden ? it attracts birds, insects and small mammals.
Botanical Name:
Tabernaemontana elegans
Did you know?
The seeds are burnt, grounded to a powder and mixed with tobacco for chewing or smoking by the Zulu people.
Tree wisteria /Vanwykshout
Tree wisteria /VanwykshoutOne of the most spectacular flowering trees – the tree wisteria is known for its clusters of bright purple flowers. It has an upright crown and drooping foliage. A very colourful ornamental and shade tree.
Botanical Name:
Bolusanthus speciosus
Did you know?
The wood is heavy, durable and suitable for fence posts, and furniture.
Umbrella thorn / Haak-en-steek
Umbrella thorn / Haak-en-steekA drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers and build their nests in the canopy.
Botanical Name:
Vachellia tortillis
Water pear / Water peer
Water pear / Water peerA lovely medium-sized to large tree with a smooth greyish-white single stem on young trees and beautiful purplish-red young leaves. This handsome tree is grown in gardens for its deep shade.
Botanical Name:
Syzigium quineense
Did you know?
The wood is pale red, hard, strong, durable and easy to work.