Anna tree / Anna boom
Anna tree / Anna boom
A fast-growing tree with a greenish grey to whitish bark. The foliage is also green to grey in colour. Interestingly enough, the Anna tree loses its thorns when it matures into an adult tree – making it a good garden tree!
Botanical Name:
Faidherbia albeda
Did you know?
The pods are an important source of food to livestock and game in the ry season.
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Toad tree / Padda boom
Toad tree / Padda boomA beautiful bushveld tree that can be recognised by its large, glossy leaves, fragrant white flowers and large fruit borne in pairs. With its unusual fruits it is excellent for gardeners wanting to bring nature back into their garden ? it attracts birds, insects and small mammals.
Botanical Name:
Tabernaemontana elegans
Did you know?
The seeds are burnt, grounded to a powder and mixed with tobacco for chewing or smoking by the Zulu people.
Knob thorn / Knoppiesdoring
Knob thorn / KnoppiesdoringThe knob thorn is an attractive garden tree which grows into a lovely shade tree. It has a long cylindrical shape and rounded crown. It has knobs on the trunks and on branches with persistent thorns arising on the knobs.
Botanical Name:
Senegalia nigrescens
Did you know?
The knob thorn is termite-resistant and the flowers are a dietary component for giraffes.
White stinkwood / Wit stinkhout
White stinkwood / Wit stinkhoutAn ideal garden tree – the white stinkwood usually has a single trunk and broadly upright to rounded crown. When planted on the northern or western side of the house, the shade provided cools the house in summer yet allows the sun through to heat up the house in winter.
Botanical Name:
Celtis africana
Did you know?
When freshy cut, the wood has an unpleasant smell, hence the common names “stinkwood”.
Coral tree / Koraal
Coral tree / KoraalA medium-sized tree with beautiful deep orange to scarlet colour flowers and a spreading, rounded crown. It is not just a decorative tree, it also provides food for a whole host of animals. The tree flowers in winter when animals need food the most.
Botanical Name:
Erythrina lysistemon
Did you know?
Also known by many as the “Lucky bean” tree due to its beautiful red seeds.