Umbrella thorn / Haak-en-steek
Umbrella thorn / Haak-en-steek
A drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers and build their nests in the canopy.
Botanical Name:
Vachellia tortillis
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Jackalberry / Jakkalsbessie
Jackalberry / JakkalsbessieA medium-sized tall, upright tree with a dense canopy. The bark is black to grey with a rough texture. They often grow on termite mounds.
Botanical Name:
Diospyros mespiliformis
Did you know?
The jackalberry has a fantastic mutualism and symbiotic network with many living organisms, from human beings to small insects. There is a complex ecological system revolving around this tree. It is one of the savanna giants that can live for more than 200 years.
False olive / Vals olyf
False olive / Vals olyfIf you want to attract butterflies, moths and birds to your garden the false olive is the way to go – not only does it provide food for wildlife it is also a sweetly scented and beautiful tree.
Botanical Name:
Buddleija saligna
Did you know?
False olive makes good fuel wood as it burns with an intense heat.
Natal guarii / Natal gwarrie
Natal guarii / Natal gwarrieWith its rounded crown and dark green foliage, the natalgwarrie is suited to an array of differnent types of gardens. The bushy, shrubby and small habitat tree is excellent for screening.
Botanical Name:
Euclea natalensis
Did you know?
It bears fruit which is edible and eaten by birds, monkeys and humans too! The twigs can be used as a toothbrush if needed.
Water pear / Water peer
Water pear / Water peerA lovely medium-sized to large tree with a smooth greyish-white single stem on young trees and beautiful purplish-red young leaves. This handsome tree is grown in gardens for its deep shade.
Botanical Name:
Syzigium quineense
Did you know?
The wood is pale red, hard, strong, durable and easy to work.