Forest elder / Bosvlier
Forest elder / Bosvlier
A small tree ideal as a focal point in the garden or it makes a attractive street tree. A lovely dense and rounded crown is often evident, contributing greatly to the visual appeal of the species.
Botanical Name:
Nuxia floribunda
Did you know?
The flowers attract a host of insects. The abundant supply of nectar makes it a good honey tree.
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False marula / Vals maroela
False marula / Vals maroelaThis small to medium-sized tree with its small, creamy white to yellow flowers and aromatic leaves, will not only attract birds to your garden, but can be very successfully grown as a bonsai specimen. The trunk is straigh tand erect with a rounded or dome-shaped crown. The leaves are pale green with the tips abruptly but broadly tapering.
Botanical Name:
Lannea sweinfurthii
Did you know?
The false marula tree is economically important in South Africa. It is very successfully used to feed cattle and game. The cattle eat the fresh or dry leaves and this reduces the expenses on fodder by farmers who are growing these trees.
False olive / Vals olyf
False olive / Vals olyfIf you want to attract butterflies, moths and birds to your garden the false olive is the way to go – not only does it provide food for wildlife it is also a sweetly scented and beautiful tree.
Botanical Name:
Buddleija saligna
Did you know?
False olive makes good fuel wood as it burns with an intense heat.
Karee / Karee
Karee / KareeThe karee is a small- to medium-sized tree with a willow-like appearance due to its drooping habit. It’s not just an excellet shade tree, but also a great street tree. It can also be planted in parks or office complexes.
Botanical Name:
Searsia lancea
Did you know?
Searsia lancea is useful in providing natural soil stabilisation and increasing infiltration of rainwater into the soil, thus reducing erosion and raising the ground watertable.
River bushwillow / Vaderlandswilg
River bushwillow / VaderlandswilgThe river bushwillow is often multi-stemmed and somewhat willow-like in habit. It boasts a beautiful form which is just as magical in autumn. Nowadays it is often grown as a street tree and also in gardens for ornament and shade.
Botanical Name:
Combretum erythrophyllum
Did you know?
Roots are used to treat venereal diseases and also as purgatives. Dried, powdered gum may be applied to sores.