Forest elder / Bosvlier
Forest elder / Bosvlier
A small tree ideal as a focal point in the garden or it makes a attractive street tree. A lovely dense and rounded crown is often evident, contributing greatly to the visual appeal of the species.
Botanical Name:
Nuxia floribunda
Did you know?
The flowers attract a host of insects. The abundant supply of nectar makes it a good honey tree.
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Henkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-Geelhout
Henkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-GeelhoutHenkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-Geelhout
Henkel’s yellow / Henkel-se-GeelhoutPodocarpus henkelii is a very neat decorative tree suitable for both home gardens and large landscapes. It makes and excellent specimen tree for lawns and is a good choice for an avenue. Podocarpus henkelii is also suited for formal gardens, as it can be pruned to the desired shape. It can also be left to achieve an informal finish.
Botanical Name:
Podocarpus henkelii
Did you know?
As a nesting site, the trees, especially older, large specimens, are favoured by many birds.
Wild mango / Wilde mango
Wild mango / Wilde mangoThis is a tall tree with a flat-topped, widespreading crown. The yellowish-orange flowers resemble an old fashioned powder puff. Elephants love the fruit!
Botanical Name:
Cordylia africana
Did you know?
Did you know that Africa has its own mango? Although the fruit is not as big and tasty as the exotic one and it belongs to a different family, it is extremely rich in vitamin C.
False marula / Vals maroela
False marula / Vals maroelaThis small to medium-sized tree with its small, creamy white to yellow flowers and aromatic leaves, will not only attract birds to your garden, but can be very successfully grown as a bonsai specimen. The trunk is straigh tand erect with a rounded or dome-shaped crown. The leaves are pale green with the tips abruptly but broadly tapering.
Botanical Name:
Lannea sweinfurthii
Did you know?
The false marula tree is economically important in South Africa. It is very successfully used to feed cattle and game. The cattle eat the fresh or dry leaves and this reduces the expenses on fodder by farmers who are growing these trees.
Tree wisteria /Vanwykshout
Tree wisteria /VanwykshoutOne of the most spectacular flowering trees – the tree wisteria is known for its clusters of bright purple flowers. It has an upright crown and drooping foliage. A very colourful ornamental and shade tree.
Botanical Name:
Bolusanthus speciosus
Did you know?
The wood is heavy, durable and suitable for fence posts, and furniture.